
Dongguan Weize Hardware Co., Ltd

Elaborate production, sincere serviceFocus on the development and production of carbide rotary files 18922987188/0769-27221035

Contact us


Contact us

Contact us


Mr. Lin: 18922987188

Landline: 0769-27221035

Fax: 0769-28055429

Email: sales1@wizzardtools.com

Address: Building 1, Wansheng Science and 

Technology Park, No. 15, Qinghua Road, Nancheng 

Street, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

Contact Us

tel.pngMr. Lin: 18922987188

座機.pngLandline: 0769-27221035

fox.pngFax: 0769-28055429

qq.pngQ Q: 3170730

郵箱.pngEmail: sales1@wizzardtools.com

address.pngAddress: Building 1, Wansheng science and Technology Park, No. 15, Qinghua Road, Nancheng street, Dongguan, Guangdong

Contact Map

红桥区| 广水市| 浦北县| 普安县| 宁陵县| 周宁县| 孟津县| 万载县| 开鲁县| 奎屯市| 临沭县| 恩施市| 全椒县| 喜德县| 会昌县| 白水县| 万盛区| 绥化市| 揭阳市| 北宁市| 花莲县| 永济市| 常宁市| 兴仁县| 德庆县| 兴海县| 九龙县| 曲周县| 北票市| 磐安县| 舟山市| 湘潭县| 清水河县| 丰城市| 锡林浩特市| 山西省| 府谷县| 固原市| 建平县| 济南市| 旬阳县|